172 research outputs found

    Pool-Based Sequential Active Learning for Regression

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    Active learning is a machine learning approach for reducing the data labeling effort. Given a pool of unlabeled samples, it tries to select the most useful ones to label so that a model built from them can achieve the best possible performance. This paper focuses on pool-based sequential active learning for regression (ALR). We first propose three essential criteria that an ALR approach should consider in selecting the most useful unlabeled samples: informativeness, representativeness, and diversity, and compare four existing ALR approaches against them. We then propose a new ALR approach using passive sampling, which considers both the representativeness and the diversity in both the initialization and subsequent iterations. Remarkably, this approach can also be integrated with other existing ALR approaches in the literature to further improve the performance. Extensive experiments on 11 UCI, CMU StatLib, and UFL Media Core datasets from various domains verified the effectiveness of our proposed ALR approaches

    On the Vulnerability of CNN Classifiers in EEG-Based BCIs

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    Deep learning has been successfully used in numerous applications because of its outstanding performance and the ability to avoid manual feature engineering. One such application is electroencephalogram (EEG) based brain-computer interface (BCI), where multiple convolutional neural network (CNN) models have been proposed for EEG classification. However, it has been found that deep learning models can be easily fooled with adversarial examples, which are normal examples with small deliberate perturbations. This paper proposes an unsupervised fast gradient sign method (UFGSM) to attack three popular CNN classifiers in BCIs, and demonstrates its effectiveness. We also verify the transferability of adversarial examples in BCIs, which means we can perform attacks even without knowing the architecture and parameters of the target models, or the datasets they were trained on. To our knowledge, this is the first study on the vulnerability of CNN classifiers in EEG-based BCIs, and hopefully will trigger more attention on the security of BCI systems

    Different Set Domain Adaptation for Brain-Computer Interfaces: A Label Alignment Approach

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    A brain-computer interface (BCI) system usually needs a long calibration session for each new subject/task to adjust its parameters, which impedes its transition from the laboratory to real-world applications. Domain adaptation, which leverages labeled data from auxiliary subjects/tasks (source domains), has demonstrated its effectiveness in reducing such calibration effort. Currently, most domain adaptation approaches require the source domains to have the same feature space and label space as the target domain, which limits their applications, as the auxiliary data may have different feature spaces and/or different label spaces. This paper considers different set domain adaptation for BCIs, i.e., the source and target domains have different label spaces. We introduce a practical setting of different label sets for BCIs, and propose a novel label alignment (LA) approach to align the source label space with the target label space. It has three desirable properties: 1) LA only needs as few as one labeled sample from each class of the target subject; 2) LA can be used as a preprocessing step before different feature extraction and classification algorithms; and, 3) LA can be integrated with other domain adaptation approaches to achieve even better performance. Experiments on two motor imagery datasets demonstrated the effectiveness of LA.Comment: IEEE Trans. on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, 202

    Empirical Studies on the Properties of Linear Regions in Deep Neural Networks

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    A deep neural network (DNN) with piecewise linear activations can partition the input space into numerous small linear regions, where different linear functions are fitted. It is believed that the number of these regions represents the expressivity of the DNN. This paper provides a novel and meticulous perspective to look into DNNs: Instead of just counting the number of the linear regions, we study their local properties, such as the inspheres, the directions of the corresponding hyperplanes, the decision boundaries, and the relevance of the surrounding regions. We empirically observed that different optimization techniques lead to completely different linear regions, even though they result in similar classification accuracies. We hope our study can inspire the design of novel optimization techniques, and help discover and analyze the behaviors of DNNs.Comment: Int'l. Conf. on Learning Representations (ICLR), Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, April 202

    Active Stacking for Heart Rate Estimation

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    Heart rate estimation from electrocardiogram signals is very important for the early detection of cardiovascular diseases. However, due to large individual differences and varying electrocardiogram signal quality, there does not exist a single reliable estimation algorithm that works well on all subjects. Every algorithm may break down on certain subjects, resulting in a significant estimation error. Ensemble regression, which aggregates the outputs of multiple base estimators for more reliable and stable estimates, can be used to remedy this problem. Moreover, active learning can be used to optimally select a few trials from a new subject to label, based on which a stacking ensemble regression model can be trained to aggregate the base estimators. This paper proposes four active stacking approaches, and demonstrates that they all significantly outperform three common unsupervised ensemble regression approaches, and a supervised stacking approach which randomly selects some trials to label. Remarkably, our active stacking approaches only need three or four labeled trials from each subject to achieve an average root mean squared estimation error below three beats per minute, making them very convenient for real-world applications. To our knowledge, this is the first research on active stacking, and its application to heart rate estimation

    Optimize TSK Fuzzy Systems for Regression Problems: Mini-Batch Gradient Descent with Regularization, DropRule and AdaBound (MBGD-RDA)

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    Takagi-Sugeno-Kang (TSK) fuzzy systems are very useful machine learning models for regression problems. However, to our knowledge, there has not existed an efficient and effective training algorithm that ensures their generalization performance, and also enables them to deal with big data. Inspired by the connections between TSK fuzzy systems and neural networks, we extend three powerful neural network optimization techniques, i.e., mini-batch gradient descent, regularization, and AdaBound, to TSK fuzzy systems, and also propose three novel techniques (DropRule, DropMF, and DropMembership) specifically for training TSK fuzzy systems. Our final algorithm, mini-batch gradient descent with regularization, DropRule and AdaBound (MBGD-RDA), can achieve fast convergence in training TSK fuzzy systems, and also superior generalization performance in testing. It can be used for training TSK fuzzy systems on datasets of any size; however, it is particularly useful for big datasets, on which currently no other efficient training algorithms exist

    MBGD-RDA Training and Rule Pruning for Concise TSK Fuzzy Regression Models

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    To effectively train Takagi-Sugeno-Kang (TSK) fuzzy systems for regression problems, a Mini-Batch Gradient Descent with Regularization, DropRule, and AdaBound (MBGD-RDA) algorithm was recently proposed. It has demonstrated superior performances; however, there are also some limitations, e.g., it does not allow the user to specify the number of rules directly, and only Gaussian MFs can be used. This paper proposes two variants of MBGD-RDA to remedy these limitations, and show that they outperform the original MBGD-RDA and the classical ANFIS algorithms with the same number of rules. Furthermore, we also propose a rule pruning algorithm for TSK fuzzy systems, which can reduce the number of rules without significantly sacrificing the regression performance. Experiments showed that the rules obtained from pruning are generally better than training them from scratch directly, especially when Gaussian MFs are used

    Active Semi-supervised Transfer Learning (ASTL) for Offline BCI Calibration

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    Single-trial classification of event-related potentials in electroencephalogram (EEG) signals is a very important paradigm of brain-computer interface (BCI). Because of individual differences, usually some subject-specific calibration data are required to tailor the classifier for each subject. Transfer learning has been extensively used to reduce such calibration data requirement, by making use of auxiliary data from similar/relevant subjects/tasks. However, all previous research assumes that all auxiliary data have been labeled. This paper considers a more general scenario, in which part of the auxiliary data could be unlabeled. We propose active semi-supervised transfer learning (ASTL) for offline BCI calibration, which integrates active learning, semi-supervised learning, and transfer learning. Using a visual evoked potential oddball task and three different EEG headsets, we demonstrate that ASTL can achieve consistently good performance across subjects and headsets, and it outperforms some state-of-the-art approaches in the literature.Comment: IEEE Int'l. Conf. on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Banff, Canada, 2017. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1702.0289

    Transfer Learning Enhanced Common Spatial Pattern Filtering for Brain Computer Interfaces (BCIs): Overview and a New Approach

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    The electroencephalogram (EEG) is the most widely used input for brain computer interfaces (BCIs), and common spatial pattern (CSP) is frequently used to spatially filter it to increase its signal-to-noise ratio. However, CSP is a supervised filter, which needs some subject-specific calibration data to design. This is time-consuming and not user-friendly. A promising approach for shortening or even completely eliminating this calibration session is transfer learning, which leverages relevant data or knowledge from other subjects or tasks. This paper reviews three existing approaches for incorporating transfer learning into CSP, and also proposes a new transfer learning enhanced CSP approach. Experiments on motor imagery classification demonstrate their effectiveness. Particularly, our proposed approach achieves the best performance when the number of target domain calibration samples is small

    Unsupervised Pool-Based Active Learning for Linear Regression

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    In many real-world machine learning applications, unlabeled data can be easily obtained, but it is very time-consuming and/or expensive to label them. So, it is desirable to be able to select the optimal samples to label, so that a good machine learning model can be trained from a minimum amount of labeled data. Active learning (AL) has been widely used for this purpose. However, most existing AL approaches are supervised: they train an initial model from a small amount of labeled samples, query new samples based on the model, and then update the model iteratively. Few of them have considered the completely unsupervised AL problem, i.e., starting from zero, how to optimally select the very first few samples to label, without knowing any label information at all. This problem is very challenging, as no label information can be utilized. This paper studies unsupervised pool-based AL for linear regression problems. We propose a novel AL approach that considers simultaneously the informativeness, representativeness, and diversity, three essential criteria in AL. Extensive experiments on 14 datasets from various application domains, using three different linear regression models (ridge regression, LASSO, and linear support vector regression), demonstrated the effectiveness of our proposed approach
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